5 ways to create a disgustingly delicious Halloween party
It’s that time of year again and as we rattle through the final few months of the year, the seasons and themes just keep on giving. First up, it’s Halloween. 🎃
That spectacularly spooky day where we all dress up and eat lots of sweets.
But this year, you want to really spice things up for your guests and give 'em pumpkin to talk about. So how do you do it?
1. Disguise your food
Smoke and mirrors and all that. Throw in some curious curveball flavours, pump out the Liquid Nitrogen and watch how your ghoulish guests react… Was that, Chocolate and Chilli Ice Cream?
2. Trick or treat?
Smell my feet? No, don’t do that.
Dive into the frighteningly fiendish Fragrance Factory and brace yourself for THE ultimate trick or treat. The treats? Why it could be Fresh Mint or Cookies…. The tricks… BBQ, Pickled Onion or event Unicorn tears, if you’re brave enough…
3. Haunted house
Create the ultimate air of mystery in the room with some flavour-packed Mist Orbs. Using a secret technology known only by a few, this mist-erious Orbs emit a cloud of flavoured white Mist which pours out. Take a straw*, suck it in and prepare to be baffled by these strange spheres….
*biodegradable, of course
4. Gunk up your goodies
Mix and match colours and flavours to throw people off scent. A blue coloured, Toffee flavoured ice cream you say?
Want a piece of the action? Get in touch and we’ll magic up your perfect proposal.